Without going into a ton of detail, this fight is another heavily scripted event that requires some good coordination of raid resources. It doesn't have nearly the bad luck = wipe factor that a Venril Sathir fight has, but it is still a technical encounter.
To be succesful, you have to coordinate tanking the main mob, burning and mezzing adds, jousting a nasty AE, work through a seemingly random charm effect, and clicking statues when called to. Lots to manage.
I was also assigned Main Assist duties, flinging the raid dps onto targets for the Off Tank and then back onto Silverwing after the adds had been killed.
This fight had adrenaline written all over it.
The call for the pull went out and the action started.
- People in the raid are jousting like champs! Things going well. Heartrate is up!
- Clicky classes getting called out and doing their jobs... Pulse rate rising rapidly!
- Mobs health down to 60%... Here come the adds... I start slinging dps.. Pulse up, perspiration incoming!
- Adds burning fast and dps back onto Silverwing.. awesome! Knuckles on mouse hand whitening visibly!!!
- Silverwing's health continues to drop... Looking good people!
- Oh MY GOD! I'm charmed and getting crushed! Heal me please!
- Awesome! Healers came through... Back to burning adds. Off tank needs a quick Monk heal from me... Feet dancing nervously on the floor!!!!
- Silverwing is at 9%... GO! GO! GO!
- Mezzing rest of adds and all dps on Mob for final burn!!!!!!!!!
- Silverwing Down!!!! Heart rate has to be about 200 beats per minute.
Awesome fight! Great job by everyone!
I am super pumped that we just pulled that off. The fight was a total blast and we have a good time hooting and hollering in voice chat... This was Epic!Next our guild leader announces that we are going to take a shot at Shade of Khalan Dar and Phara Dar. I need Shade for my Monk epic... Cool!
We pull both mobs and proceed to burn Shade down for the kill..... Phara gets away from us but it is late and we need to break for the evening.
So yeah, I got my epic... But in all honesty, it was anti-climactic compared to the fight with Silverwing. For me, the best part of the evening was seeing my guild click like a machine on a very tricky encounter.
Gratz on the kill, Revelry and Honor! Well Done!
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